If any of the links on this page appear to no longer work please let us know. Thank you.

As explained in the Welcome section, the aim of this page is to become an up to date and a regular point of contact for links and information that will benefit parents and guardians of children with dyslexia and co-occurring conditions.

Let’s work together to generate content that will be useful for all. If you have come across a great website, know of a course or workshop coming up, found a helpful book or article contact me, Mr Madden (Reading Class Teacher) directly in school and I’ll do my best to make sure the information gets out there.

O.K. so its time to dip your toe in the water! The links and information below have been organised into categories and are just a taste to get you started. They are a drop in the ocean considering how much excellent stuff is out there. Over time, have a browse, expand your searches and don’t forget to let us know if you’ve found something you feel could really benefit others!

Starting in The Reading Class in September 2020.
Have you been trying to find a way to talk to your child about having Dyslexia?
As a starting point watch this great animation by the British Dyslexia Association that helps to explain Dyslexia called See Dyslexia Differently. Refer to famous people with Dyslexia. Children love to hear that people like Albert Einstein and Roald Dahl were Dyslexic.
Follow it up with books that you can share with your child. In our opinion, the following 4 suggestions are all excellent.

Be as open with your child about their diagnosis as much as possible. Talk about it at home. Reassure them that dyslexia is a learning difference. They are just as smart as everyone else, their brain just learns differently.
The more open people are about talking about Dyslexia at home and in school the better. Dyslexia shouldn’t be something you hide behind or others whisper about.
Even though they might find aspects of reading, writing and sometimes math difficult there are lots of different forms of intelligence. Focus and build on their strengths as well as developing their weaknesses.
What areas are they talented in? Art, sport, cooking, designing and building…? There can be many ‘Superpowers’ associated with dyslexia. With the right opportunities and a consistent, strong and positive link between home and school people with dyslexia can be very successful.
Talk about all the famous people with dyslexia. Remember you don’t have to be famous to be great! Look at your own family. Dyslexia is hereditary, I bet there are very successful people in your own family who have or may have dyslexia.
1 in 10 people have Dyslexia, that’s a lot of people! You are not alone. In fact, you have just joined a very exclusive, creative and talented club of people with Dyslexia… Richard Branson, Brendan O’ Carroll, Jennifer Aniston, Stephen Spielberg, Albert Einstein, Whoopi Goldberg, Roald Dahl, Walt Disney, Jamie Oliver and don’t forget people in your family/ friends …. the list is endless!
Many people with Dyslexia can experience a lot of frustration as they have so many fantastic ideas and often know what they would like to say/ write/ read but they struggle to get their ideas down on paper or read some text. We will be starting a new programme in the coming school year called the Wilson Reading System.
This is a highly structured literacy program based on phonological-coding research and Orton-Gillingham principles, WRS directly and systematically teaches the structure of the English language. Through the program, students learn fluent decoding and encoding skills. From the beginning steps of the program, students receive instruction in:

  • Phonemic awareness
  • Decoding and word study
  • Sight word recognition
  • Spelling
  • Fluency
  • Vocabulary
  • Oral expressive language development
  • Comprehension

The Wilson Reading System will help begin to unlock all that frustration and help your child improve their literacy skills. More information will follow in the new school year.

As a closing word, please remember the school is here to support you and your child on your journey. Please look at your place in the Reading class as a real opportunity, grasp it firmly with both hands. We are with you all the way but we can not do it alone. The support you give at home is crucial to your child’s development.
Yes, there are challenges along the way but with the right opportunities and support the future is very bright!
Welcome aboard! Thank you, Mr Madden, Ms Kearney, Mr White and The Holy Family Team.

Scroll down and click on the links below the categories section. 
Favourites are marked with a ƒ
Categories Include:

  • 1. News Items & Upcoming Events
  • 2. Infographics
  • 3. Dyslexia Workshops
  • 4. Information on dyslexia and co-occurring difficulties
  • 5. Books – To help explain and be open about dyslexia at home – Audiobooks –     Books to help with learning  
  • 6. Something for Introverts, the quiet but powerful learners out there!
  • 7. Therapy Related
  • 8. Products/ Resources. Store & Online
  • 9. Assistive Technology Computer based programs to help with learning difficulties
  • 10. Suggested Facebook pages to follow
  • 11. Reading Manual/ Workbook
  • 12. Other excellent sites for looking up stuff!

1. News Items & Upcoming Events
For up to date news, events and information from the D.A.I. click here.
Check back regularly to keep up to date. New information will be placed here. When ‘fresh’ information arrives present content will be moved to their relevant categories.

ƒ  2. Info-graphics Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia and Dyspraxia              ƒ = favourite

There are loads of info-graphics online regarding dyslexia and co-occurring conditions. They are an excellent visual way to get a quick sense of the difficulties related to dyslexia and others. Have a look online to see what is out there. A simple google image search or a search on Pinterest is a great way to start.

Please click on an image below to enlarge. The images selected were added at the best quality that could be found. Some of the writing may be a little blurry but they are really good all the same.

 ƒ  3. Dyslexia Workshops run by The Dyslexia Association of Ireland                       ƒ = favourite
We strongly recommend that children attend workshops which usually take place in the evening time. They are very useful to further sharpen skills as well as being an extremely important support network for parents/ guardians. Some of these workshops will also run courses over the holidays. During holiday time all children can regress in their learning so holiday learning camps are very important to help keep on top of things, balanced out with being outdoors and having fun of course!
We are very lucky as we have a few options on our doorstep. Look out for local workshops in the Naul, Balbriggan, Rush/Lusk/ Skerries, Malahide, Dublin North, Dublin South, Meath East, Kildare and Dundalk.
For a full list of workshops and contact details please visit here.
Important: Workshops often fill up quickly so get in early! Make sure and ask for reductions or if grants are available when applying for a place.

4. Information on dyslexia and co-occurring difficulties                                      ƒ = favourite

5. Books – To help explain and be open about dyslexia at home – Audiobooks – Books to help with learning                                                                                                              ƒ = favourite

  • ƒ Audiobooks unlock a whole magical world for every reader, especially those who struggle. Audiobooks, balanced with traditional 1-2-1 reading, should play an extremely important part role, especially with someone with reading difficulties. Kindles and e readers are also very handy. Pick a book you would like to read, find the audio version, relax and enjoy!

6. Something for Introverts, the quiet but powerful learners out there!      ƒ = favourite

  • ƒ Book: Quiet The Secret Strength of Introverts A guide for Kids and Teens
  • Website: Quiet Revolution by Susan Cain Vision: To create a world where introverts are celebrated for their powerful contributions and, more importantly, for who they are. And where everyone’s quiet strength—no matter what their personality type—is validated.

Check out Susan Cain’s talk about Introverts on TED talks (Technology, Entertainment, Design).

7. Therapy Related                                                                                                                   ƒ = favourite

  • ƒ Sensational Kids because sensational kids deserve sensational therapy. Helping children to develop their potential through subsidised clinical services, a child development t & learning store &training workshops. Sign up for a free newsletter. Keep informed. Based in Kildare Town. Excellent services.
  • ƒ Sugar Aunts Fantastic ideas to help with all O/T Skills. Online based.

8. Products/ Resources. Store & Online                                                                         ƒ = favourite

  • ƒ Thinking Toys Online Store Based in Co. Clare
  • ƒ Sensational Kids Online Store because sensational kids deserve sensational therapy Helping children to develop their potential through subsidised clinical services, a child development t & learning store &training workshops. Sign up for a free newsletter. Keep informed. Based in Kildare Town. Excellent services.
  • Outside The Box Learning Resources. More designed towards educators but why not have a look! The link brings you to the Parents’ shop.
  • Amazon UK Great for getting resources that are not readily available in Ireland or at a cheaper price. Make sure and check out other Amazon sites such as Amazon Germany and Amazon U.S.A. for possible better deals!

9. Assistive Technology Computer based programs to help with learning difficulties                    ƒ = favourite
Look out for products with free 30 Day trials. Try before you buy!

  • ƒ Nessy Excellent software to help with dyslexia.  Focuses on reading, spelling and touch typing. We use this program in school. Children can log in at home but please be mindful not to do too much as this could affect their interest while in school. By all means log in to explore and check in with them about what they are learning. There is a section with lots of worksheets that would be of benefit to print out and complete at home to support our work in school. Nessy have some useful apps too.
  • ƒ Clicker, Texthelp Text to Speech Software. 
  • ƒ Wordshark 5 Helps with reading and spelling, Numbershark 5 Helps with number skills. Can be purchased through EdTech, see below or Folens by clicking here.
  • ƒ Inspiration 9 Excellent mind mapping software. Purchase the book Mind Maps For Kids An Introduction by Tony Buzan to learn how to begin using mind maps. Note other publications by Tony Buzan. Excellent books.
  • ƒ Speech to Text Software. Dragon Naturally Speaking. Helps students to professionals.


  • ƒ Urability Excellent site! Irish owned Educational Software Company & More! Winner Dragon’s Den Ireland. Great for assistive technology products, up to date news and workshops available.
  • EdTech Irish Educational Software Company
  • Folens
  • Check out Amazon U.K. & Amazon Germany for possible cheaper deals

A lot of conferences or large scale talks/ workshops tend to have stalls that often have special deals on products. Keep your eyes peeled!

10. Suggested Facebook pages to follow                                                                      ƒ = favourite
A lot of the sites mentioned above also have Facebook pages. Liking and following them online will often give you some excellent snippets of information. Don’t have a Facebook account? You should set one up just for this kind of stuff. Remember you don’t have to get sucked into the whole social media thing. So many great businesses and sites use social media as a platform to get their information out there. Get online, check them out, and get a feel for what’s going on!

  • ƒ Dyslexia Association of Ireland
  • ƒ Understood
  • ƒ O.T. Toolbox (Occupational Therapy)
  • ƒ Cogs The Brain Shop
  • ƒ Urabilty
  • ƒ Nessy
  • ƒ Sensational Kids
  • ƒ Developmental Coordination Disorder – DCD Ireland
  • ƒ Dyspraxia Kids
  • ƒ Dyspraxia Ireland
  • Dyspraxia UK
  • Dyslexia Support- South Australia
  • Dyslexia Association of Ireland – Mayo Branch
  • Dyslexic Advantage
  • Irish Autism Action
  • Dyspraxia Foundation
  • Bright Solutions for Dyslexia
  • Dyspraxia Global – Dyslexia, Dyscalculia…

11. Reading Manual/ Workbook                                                                                        ƒ = favourite

  • ƒ Toe by Toe: Toe By Toe is a small red book designed for anyone who finds reading difficult. This includes weak readers who struggle to decode or those with dyslexic difficulties. Very Important – Please ask in school about it before purchasing.

12. Other excellent sites for looking up stuff                                                              ƒ = favourite

Any suggestions? We would love to add them. Let us know by contacting Mr Madden directly in school and I’ll do my best to add the information. Thanks!