Holy Family S.N.S. is a co educational Catholic Primary Senior school under the
patronage of the Catholic Archbishop of Dublin. It caters for the educational needs of
children from Third Class to Sixth Class. This school aims to promote the full and
harmonious development of all aspects of the child; intellectual, physical, cultural,
moral, and spiritual, including a living relationship with God and with other people. As
a Catholic school we are concerned with the education of the whole person,
therefore prominence is given to the quality of relationships alongside academic
Holy Family S.N.S. follows the Primary School Curriculum prescribed by the D.E.S.
in accordance with Sections 9 and 30 of The Education Act 1998. This curriculum is
implemented in accordance with the timetable recommended by D.E.S. Stay Safe
and R.S.E. programmes are both implemented in the school within the S.P.H.E.
This school provides Religious Education for the pupils in accordance with the
doctrines, practices and traditions of the Roman Catholic Church, and promotes the
formation of the pupils in the Catholic faith. The school models and promotes a
philosophy of life inspired by a belief in God and in the life, death and resurrection of
Jesus Christ.
The prescribed Religious Education programme for schools in the Archdiocese of
Dublin is Grow In Love (with Alive-O for 6th class). Children of other Religious
beliefs are excused from this programme, but there is no facility to withdraw these
children when religious instruction is taking place. The children in 6th class are
prepared for the Sacrament of Confirmation.
General Information
Holy Family S.N.S. is a Co Educational Catholic Primary School in the Parish
of St Finian.
At present there are 729 children enrolled in the school. Based on the number of 703
(30th September 2017) the following is the staffing allocation.
1 Administrative Principal
1 Administrative Deputy Principal
27 Class teachers
2 Reading Class teachers
1 Support teacher
11Full-time and Special Education Teachers (These teachers cater for
children who require School Support and School Support Plus
8 Special Needs Assistants (8 full time, 2 part-time)
2 Secretaries (1 full time, 1 part time)
1 Caretaker (part -time)
The number of staff can change in line with staffing requirements of the Department
of Education and Skills, and with enrolments.
There are 2 schools on this campus, each has their own roll number and are
completely separate from each other.
1 Holy Family J.N.S ( Junior Infants – 2nd Class )
2 Holy Family S.N.S. ( 3rd Class – 6th Class and 2 reading classes for
children with specific learning disability )
There is, however great co-operation between the 2 schools.
The children from Holy Family J.N.S. transfer automatically to 3 rd class in Holy Family
S.N.S. We ensure in so far is possible that the transfer is a very smooth operation to
facilitate the educational and pastoral well being of the children.
Within the context and parameters of the D.E.S. regulations and programmes, the
rights of the Patron as set out in the Education Act and the funding and resources
available, the school supports the principles of
Inclusiveness with particular reference to pupils with Special
Educational Needs
Equality of access and participation in school life.
Parental choice in relation to enrolment.
Respect for diversity of values, beliefs tradition, language and culture
Application Procedure
The children from Holy Family J.N.S. who have completed 2 nd class, transfer
automatically to third class in Holy Family S.N.S.
All other parents wishing to enrol their children call to the school to complete the
schools enrolment form. Details of the documents required to complete the
application are also supplied, these being:
1. In the case of all children, the Original Birth Certificate/Adoption Certificate.(not a
photocopy) All pupils who are accepted for enrolment will be registered as per the
name on their birth certificate.
2. Childs PPSN (requirement from Department of Education & Skills)
3. In the case of all applicants a current gas/electricity bill (no older than 3 months)
as proof of address.
4. Any other relevant reports eg, medical/psychological/speech & language reports.
As Catholic children in this school are prepared for the Sacrament of Confirmation
we request that an original copy of their Baptismal Certificate be supplied at
The Principal, Secretary, Deputy Principal or other senior staff will meet
parents/guardians to fill an Enrolment Application Form. This is completed by the
staff member, who also checks and copies the documents. Any missing
documentation is noted on the form and the applicant is informed that it must be
supplied by the closing date or the application will be deemed invalid. The
Parent/Guardian is then asked to check, sign and date the application confirming
that all information given is true. Offers of places will be based on this evidence and
be withdrawn if this information is subsequently found to be false.
Decision re. Allocation of Places
All parents/guardians making an application receive a copy of the admissions policy.
The decision with regard to allocation of places in Holy Family S.N.S. is made by the
Board of Management in accordance with this Admission Policy.
Parents/guardians of children who have been offered places are invited to a
parents/guardians information meeting in the school hall in June.
On designated days in June, children from the incoming third classes (from Holy
Family S.N.S.) will be brought by teachers from the Junior school to the Senior
school at specific times for the purpose of seeing their childs classroom and meeting
their teacher (where possible).
The children are formally enrolled in the school on the first day of the school year.
Each child will receive a pack for parents/guardians containing the PARENT
Decision Making
The children from Holy Family J.N.S. who have completed second class transfer
automatically to third class in Holy Family S.N.S.
In so far as possible and having regard for school policy, all children who apply will
be enrolled, provided there are places for them. The B.O.M. will take account of the
D.E.S. guidelines on class sizes.
In the event of there being an excess of applicants over available places, the Board
of Management shall exercise its decision according to the following criteria:
Category 1
Children (who have completed 2nd class) transferring from Holy Family J.N.S.
Category 2:
Children living in the parish of St Finian* together with brothers and sisters who
attend/attended Holy Family Schools and children of current staff of Holy Family
Schools. Children must have completed second class.
*Parish boundaries are defined by the Catholic Archdioceses
Category 3:
All other applicants resident outside the parish who have completed second class or
its equivalent.
Any special educational needs must be referred to at application stage. In line with
the recommendations of the report of The Special Education Review Body,
additional special considerations are taken into account in the case of applicants with
specified special needs (see addendum with respect to pupils with special
educational needs).
All valid applications received by the closing date will be ranked by category.
Rankings within each category will be determined by date of birth. This will generate
a list of all valid applications, ranked from first to last.
Application Procedure for Inter School Transfers
This section applies where children are already pupils attending a recognised school.
The Board of Management of Holy Family SNS may accept pupils transferring from
another school subject to space being available in the particular class in question,
and subject to the Board of Management being satisfied that the transfer is in the
best interests of all concerned. The Board of Management will seek the approval of
the Department of Education and Skills where applicable.
While recognising the right of parents to enrol their children in the school of their
choice, the Board is also obliged to respect the rights of the existing school
community and in particular the children already enrolled.
When considering Inter School Transfer applications the Board of Management must
have regard for the relevant D.E.S. guidelines in relation to class size and/or staffing
provisions together with any other requirements concerning physical space and the
health, safety and well being of the children. This requires balanced judgements,
acting in the best interest of all children.
The Board reserves the right to refuse an application for transfer to the school, and
to determine the maximum number of children in each separate classroom bearing in
- The available space in each classroom
- The educational needs of children of a particular age
- The educational needs of the applicant
- The presence of pupils with special educational/behavioural needs
- The question of multi-grade classes
- The prevailing Pupil-Teacher Ratio as per DES
Parents of children seeking a transfer to any class are expected to visit the school to
complete a Transfer Application Form. The documentation required is as listed
above, together with recent school reports and any assessment reports. The school
may contact the childs current school to seek additional information.
Application may be made at any time during the school year.
In the event of there being an excess of accepted applicants over available places
for any class, names will be placed on a list. The applicants name may remain on
this list until the school is requested to remove it, or the child is no longer a candidate
for the Senior School. Applicants for each standard will be ranked according to
Categories 2 & 3 above. Please note that the addition of another applicant may alter
the previous ranking, as the school does not operate on a first come, first served
When a vacancy occurs in a particular standard, and where the Board sanctions
filling it, this place will be offered to the applicant who is first on the list when that
vacancy occurs. The child may join the class at any point in the school year, once
the application is in order and accepted by the Board.
Transfers out
Parents/Guardians are requested to inform the school when their child will be
transferring to another school or leaving the country. This notification should be in
writing, it should specify the name and starting date for the new school/country to
which the child is moving, and the date of final attendance in the Holy Family S.N.S.
This allows the school offer the vacated place as detailed above.
Parents should be aware that subsequent to the written notification, if the transfer
does not take place; they will have to apply to the school for a place as detailed
Where there is no notification provided, the school will be informed of the childs
attendance in a new school by that Principal (Education (Welfare) Act (2000),
Section 20), or, the child will accrue 20 consecutive school days absences. At this
point the vacated place will be offered to the next person on the waiting list.
Children enrolled in the school are required to co-operate with, and support the
School/B.O.Ms Code of Behaviour as well as all other curricular, organisational and
management policies. In making application to the school, Parents/Guardians
undertake to support the schools policies, and the B.O.M. expects them to ensure
that their children co-operate with said policies.
School Opening Hours: School open to receive children at 8.50 am. Classes
begin at 9.10 am.
Morning Break: 10.40 10.50 am. Lunch 12.45 1.15 pm.
Dismissal: 2.30p.m.
The School Authorities, Principal and Staff do not accept responsibility for
your children before 8.50 am or after the pupils have been dismissed at the
above times.
1. A clear statement of the extent of the childs special learning difficulty/physical
needs to be sought from the agency dealing with the case.
2. Up to date Psychological / Speech and language reports to be provided.
Following receipt of these reports. The B.O.M. will assess how the school will
meet the needs specified in the report. Where the B.O.M. deems that further
resources are required, it should prior to enrolment, request the
N.C.S.E.(National Council for Special Education)/D.E.S.(Department of
Education & Skills) to provide the resources required to meet the needs of the
child as outlined in the psychological or medical report. These resources may
include for example: access to or the provision of any or a combination of the
following: Visiting teacher service/resource teacher for special needs/special
needs assistant/specialized equipment or furniture, transport services or other.
3. If currently enrolled in another school, an up to date report to be sought.
4. An analysis of the requirement of the childs educational and physical needs and
our ability to meet these needs. This may involve visiting childs current school.
Meeting with parents to discuss the case at which the above are discussed. Full
consideration of the parents wishes to be taken into account and balanced with the
above. It may be necessary to convene a full case conference involving all parties
which may include parents, principal, class teacher, resource teacher, visiting
teacher, psychologist, speech therapist, occupational therapist social worker, as
appropriate. As with all pupils regular reviews of progress are our policy. Where it is
deemed that
(a) a child is not benefiting from a place in Holy Family SNS i.e. his/her
educational, emotional, and behavioural needs are not being met due to
the lack of specialised teaching resources, funding or facilities.
(b) the presence of the child in Holy Family SNS would cause a situation
where educational needs of other children are not being fully met.
(c) a child cannot cope or who exhibits challenging behaviour i.e. behaviour
which prevents the child from accessing the curriculum or behaviour which
prevents other children from accessing the curriculum or a child who is
deemed to be a danger to him/herself or others, the Board of Management
reserves the right to reduce the length of the school day for that child.
(d) Due to a lack of provision from the Department of Education and Skills of
proper resources or personnel.
Then the Board of Management reserves the right, in consultation with the
Parents/Guardians through the Principal, to seek a placement in a school
better able to meet the childs needs.
Decision on placement will be taken based on the childs assessed
educational and special physical needs and on the ability of the school to
provide for these needs while continuing to provide for the educational
needs of the pupils already enrolled in the school.
The Board of Management reserves the right to modify the school day in
the best interests of the child and/or the other pupils/adults in the class.
The Board of Management reserves the right to refuse enrolment in very
exceptional circumstances.
It may also be necessary for the Board of management to defer enrolment of a
particular child, pending the receipt of an assessment report and/or the provision of
appropriate resources by the Department of Education and Skills to meet the needs
specified in the psychological and/or medical reports.
Holy Family S.N.S. recognises that exceptionally gifted children may be registered
pupils of this school. Curriculum planning by individual teachers will ensure that the
resources of the school, teaching and material, will be applied to such children to
maximise their potential.
Under Section 29 of the Education Act 1998 parents/guardians have a right to
appeal a refusal by the school to enrol a child. The appeal to the Department of
Education & Science must be made within 42 calendar days from the date the
decision was notified to parents/guardians.
Department of Education & Skills,
Section 29 Appeals Administration Unit,
Friars Hill Road,
Co Westmeath.
The Chairperson of the B.O.M. Mr. Paul Martin and Principal of the school
Ms. Geraldine Gowen will be happy to clarify any further matters arising from the