This policy outlines current practice in relation to meetings. It aims to ensure that meetings are effective and use time well, that procedures are widely known and that meetings ultimately improve both teaching and learning.
Preparing Agendas
- It is school policy that minutes are recorded by teachers on a rota basis determined by seniority.
- It is established school practice that each teacher will record minutes for two successive meetings.
- It is the duty of the recording secretary to organise the agenda for the meeting for which they are recording secretary.
- A draft agenda is circulated by the recording secretary, submissions invited and a final agenda circulated.
- Attendance at meetings is recorded.
- Outside speakers may be invited to address meetings.
Frequency and Duration of Meetings
- It is established school practice that meetings take place on the last Thursday of each month.
- In line with Department of Education and Science regulations and the Croke Park Agreement, all staff meetings will take place outside of school contact hours.
- The school will liaise with the Junior School prior to setting the dates of meetings in order that inconvenience to parents is minimised.
- The normal duration of a staff meeting is two hours.
Parents and Staff Meetings
Parents are informed before each meeting through the pupils’ homework journals. The dates of meetings are also posted on the school web site yearly calendar.
Who Attends Meetings?
Permanent teachers, temporary teachers and long-term substitute teachers attend. Special Needs Assistants will be requested to attend for relevant issues.