Well done and thank you to all the children who participated in the project. The entries we used were, as follows:
Lee Brazil – The red card – written
Laura Uwagboe – The racism project- written
Alaani Kavanagh – A racist- written
Blessing Dada – An equal world – written
Sanda Rusu – Racsim poem – written
Adam O’ Reilly – Heard – written
Ava Duff and Emma Louise Steele – Art
Megan Grant – Art
Alina Zaharcika and Stephanie Dike – Art
Emma Louise Steele – Art
Kafayat Ayoola and Laura Padowska – Art.
Vanilla Nwojo and Sanda Rusu – Slavery interview
All of Ms. Walsh’s class were involved in putting together the videos.
racism1 racism2 racism3 racism4 racism5

A Racist – by Alaani Kavanagh

Sadhbh fell to the floor with a tremendous crack of bones. Jacob stared at her as he wiped his blood-stained knuckles. I watched, astonished by this occurrence. He pulled Sadhbh up from the ground where she lay and slammed her into the wall. Drops of blood trickled slowly down the wall.
Jacob left and I rushed to help her up. “I half expected that tear to wipe some of the charcoal off your face”, shouted Jacob as he walked away.
“Are you ok?” I asked her.
“Not really, no.”, she replied.
Show racism the red card!!!!

Red Card – by Lee Brazil

In the human world it does not belong
We do not need racism, as it’s so wrong.
We all look different, but also the same as we all
have the same colour blood running through our veins.
For every man is some woman’s son and it has been so since the world begun.
From China to America and across the African plane,
we might look somewhat different but deep down we’re the same.
Every man has a heart and all over the world our hearts beat the same.
So when racism takes over, it’s such a great shame, when will we realise that this is not a game??
To be judged by our colour, religion or our culture is also a great shame.
This world doesn’t need to be so hard, I think it’s time we all stood together and show racism the red card.

Racism – a poem by Sanda Rusu

I see a girl in the corner of my eye,
she sits in a corner and starts to cry.
She sits alone and is quiet through the day,
she seems to never have anything to say.
I make my way over to her, is this bad?
My friends think that I am going mad.
They scream and shout but I don’t care,
I know it wouldn’t be nice to sit alone over there.
I sit beside her and she looks around,
her big brown eyes look meek and sad.
But suddenly they glow with a burst of light,
her face looks happy and very bright.
She is just a girl with different colour skin,
but that doesn’t mean that she is different within.
This is my friend and she is very nice,
this is a friend that I’ll have for life.

Racism – a poem by Sanda Rusu

I see a girl in the corner of my eye,
she sits in a corner and starts to cry.
She sits alone and is quiet through the day,
she seems to never have anything to say.
I make my way over to her, is this bad?
My friends think that I am going mad.
They scream and shout but I don’t care,
I know it wouldn’t be nice to sit alone over there.
I sit beside her and she looks around,
her big brown eyes look meek and sad.
But suddenly they glow with a burst of light,
her face looks happy and very bright.
She is just a girl with different colour skin,
but that doesn’t mean that she is different within.
This is my friend and she is very nice,
this is a friend that I’ll have for life.

Racism – by Blessing Dada

The world is an exciting but dangerous place.
Even though we’re all different, we’re all the same race.
No matter what colour we are, we are special in our own way.
We can vote on what we can do or say.
Nobody should be a slave to anything or anyone.
Everyone’s life should be full of joy and fun,
We all share the world, it’s yours and mine.
Nobody is on the same pattern or line.
The good thing about difference is that we have a lot of interest,
It’s the thing we all love best.
We all have our reasons and our rights,
We all have different thoughts, equally smart and bright,
Everyone has one thing in common,
We all breathe the same air.
So to respect one another only seems fair.
Show racism the red card.

Heard – by Adam O’Reilly

Sometimes I sit alone in bed,
thinking of things that people would dread.
Blood, sweat and tears,
would bring these people great fears.
The KKK would give them a fright ,
as they burnt their neighbourhoods in the middle of the night.
Because they were “different” and “lower” than us,
they were not allowed to sit on the bus.
Today it’s very different, it’s a very different world,
Today these people, are able to be heard.

A Racism Project – by Laura Uwagboe

As Shania walked through the yard she noticed something strange, the yard was divided into groups of white and black. Shania glanced over to a group of girls playing double dutch. Shania ran over to them and asked them could she join their game. One of the girls who had been turning the rope turned slightly, looked her up and down and said no in a disgusted voice. Shania was shocked and asked why she could not join their game. The girl replied harshly, “Because you’re black.”
Shania was shocked. She had never encountered such a thing. She could feel tears rolling down her cheek. She ran to the darkest corner of the yard and started to cry. She couldn’t believe what the girl had said to her. It felt as if she had been stabbed in the heart. Shania sobbed gently. A few minutes later, a girl no older than Shania came over and knelt down beside her and wiped her tears away. While doing that she gently said that it was a rookie mistake and that sooner or later she would learn to stick with her own kind.
During the following days, Shania and Kayla, the girl who had helped her through that rough day, had become good friends. But the memory of that day still haunted her. Shania came up with a brilliant idea to present a project to her school about racism so people would understand more about it. Kayla helped her with the project. Later that week the whole school gathered together in the school hall while Shania and Kayla explained the effects that racism can have on people. They explained how we’re all the same even though we have different coloured skin. The project seemed to have helped a lot of people understand what racism is.
The following day in yard there was a big difference. Different groups were missing together. Most importantly, children of all colours were playing together, even the girl who was mean to Shania, invited them to join their game. Shania said yes because the girl apologised and said that she now understood how much she had hurt Shania’s feelings. Everybody was united at last!
Say no to Racism!

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