Webwise Spring 2017 Newsletter
Welcome to the latest edition of the Webwise Newsletter, keeping you up to date with the latest news, resources and events from Ireland’s internet safety awareness centre.
Explained: What is SimSimi?
SimSimi is an artificial intelligence chatting robot also known as a chatbot. The app has become popular among Irish teens with many teachers and parents raising concerns about the app being used for bullying.
Users can ask the app a question, start a conversation, or teach the app responses to questions chosen by the user.
Much of the language on the app is offensive or contains sexual content. SimSimi is also anonymous, making it easy for users to leave hurtful comments about others.
Find out more: Google www.webwise.ie
New Webwise Guide for Parents
Webwise launched a new advice guide for parents on internet safety. The guide offers parents information, advice and conversation starters about the benefits and risks children need to be aware of when using the internet. Topics explored in the guide include cyber-bullying, screen time, sexting, social media and online pornography.
The ParentsÂ’ Guide to a Better Internet is also supported by a new online hub for parents. Webwise Parents offers additional support for parents including video interviews with parenting experts, talking points and explainer guides.
Download Guide: at www.webwise.ie

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