Room 15 ~ Work for Week of 20-24 April

This is the summary of the work recommended for the week of 20th to 24th of April.


Oral Language

Picture Project- Take a picture or draw a picture of your favourite game or activity. Explain to somebody how to play or why it is you like this particular acitivity.


Lets Go Reader

  • Read Pg. 166-169
  • Pg. 170, Activities B,C,D


  • Challenge: Imagine you are sent back in time to when the dinosaurs lived. Write about your adventure.
  • Can you create your own dinosaur or do a report on a dinosaur of your choosing.


  • Master Your Maths- Do the next week.
  • Busy At Maths-
  • Day 1- Pg.129
  • Day 2 & 3- Pg. 130/131
  • Day 4 & 5- Pg. 132
  • Tables- x9, divided by 9
  • Learn tables and ask someone in your family to test you
  • 5/10 minutes every day on Hit The Button tables game.

Project Work

Create a project based on the Dinosaurs

  • Your choice: Make a poster/ book or powerpoint project on the Dinosaurs.
  • Lets Go reading this week will help.


  • Theme- Teilifis (Television)
  • Abair Liom Pg. 109 Activity C
  • Draw a picture of your favorite tv shows and label it e.g. clár sport, cartún, clár grin
  • Write three sentences as Gaeilge (in Irish) about your favouritetv show.  

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